Gourd of the Beans: An Unplanned Adventure

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The Gourd of the Beans: An Unplanned Adventure
Release Date: July 23, 2015
Project Status: Template:Completed
Latest Version: {{{ReleaseVersion}}}
Developer(s): Klownstein, Template:The Jolly Roger
Publisher: Klownstein, Template:The Jolly Roger
Designer(s): Klownstein, Template:The Jolly Roger
Source Available: 
Category: Full Release
Type: {{{Type}}}
Genre: Adventure
Theme(s): {{{Theme}}}
Engine: AGI2
CP Scheme: {{{CopyProtection}}}
ESRB Rating: {{{ESRBRating}}}
Platform: Template:MS-DOS
Localization: English
Website: http://jollyrogercrew.com/


The Gourd of the Beans requires NAGI or another 3rd party interpreter.


GourdBeansSS1.png GourdBeansSS2.png


You are Frobo Baddins, a small hoddit living with his uncle, Uncle Bildo. For the past several years you have lived with your insane Uncle Bildo in his home, a large hoddit hole named Old Bag. Uncle Bildo is planning on celebrating his birthday and has enlisted you to get invitations printed, a birthday banner sewn, a birthday cake baked, and some fireworks purchased. And so your quest begins! It continues through the Dark Woods and into the Town of Breeeee, where the hapless hero must find allies, or meet a violent end!


The Beans: An Unplanned Adventure Series was developed in the classic Sierra style. Designed as an AGI (Adventure Game Interpreter) program, it is, in a very real sense, like its 80's predecessors. Originally the intent was to make the game such that it would run in the original interpreter. However, being a perfectionist, the pictures and sprites became more and more detailed, soon surpassing those in the original Sierra games. The detailed work soon exceeded the memory limitations inherent to AGI games, so a new interpreter such as ScummVM or NAGI is required to run this game.


Available from the developer's website: http://jollyrogercrew.com/


  • No walkthrough available.

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