AGI Sound Tutorial - Playing Sounds with External Tools
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Now you've got your sound (either extracted, converted, merged from a bunch of other files or freshly made in Visual AGI), you'll probably want to play it. Here are some tools that allow you to do that (funny that).
AGI Play: The first tool on the list is AGI Play by Lance Ewing. This is actually a package of tools (AGI Sound) for playing agi sound files. The tools represent different ways of playing the sound files.
The first tool, "oldplay", supports both adlib and the pc speaker. To play a file, you will have to type this in the command prompt:
PC Speaker:
oldplay -p <filename>
Adlib/Soundblaster:oldplay -a <filename>
The second tool is actually a set of two tools. There's "snd2midi", which converters agi sound files to a midi and then "play" which plays the midi file. The commands to play an agi sound file go like this:
snd2midi <agi_filename> <midi_filename>.mid
play <midi_filename>.mid
You're actually welcome to play the midi file in whatever player you wish. "play" is just a convenient tool to play the sounds.
The problem with these tools is that they do not support the noise channel and that "oldplay" crackles a fair bit when playing to the adlib card.
Interpreter: Another way to play sounds is to actually insert the sounds into a game and then play the game to test it. It may be time consuming but it will give you a very good indication of what it will sound like in your game. See the next section on how to play sounds in a game.
Visual AGI: Visual AGI, when you load up a sound resource, also lets you play sounds. See the "visual editing" section for more information.
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